Eastvale & Chino California Pool Demolition
If you’ve got an old or unused pool on your property that you’d like to have professional removed, the company you want to call to get the job done is Remove A Pool.
AS experts in in-ground pool removal, we’re licensed, insured, we use state of the art equipment to perform Chico California pool demolition and our entire team is highly-qualified.
Over the years, we’ve removed many pools and we’re a team that California property owners can trust. We take pride in performing safe demolition when removing a pool in Chino California.
Your Estimate is FREE
If you’re considering the removal of a pool, you’ll be happy to know that estimates are free with Remove A Pool. Contact us over the phone or online right away and we’ll schedule a convenient time for an estimate that works with your schedule.
On the day of your estimate, you can ask the professional that arrives to your property any questions you have regarding the removal of your old pool.
The expert will discuss your options with you and educate you on what to expect from the process of Chino California pool demolition. Once the professional has examined the pool, you’ll know an estimated price to have the pool removed.
From Beginning to End
Following the estimate, we’ll obtain a permit if it’s needed and we’ll schedule a date to drain the pool and “break ground.” Depending upon which method of removal you’ve chosen, we’ll remove half of the pool (abandonment) or we’ll remove the entire pool (exhumation). Partial removal is more affordable if you’re on a budget.
When removing a pool partially, the remaining concrete will get “hole-punched” with special machinery. These holes will help the area to drain in the future when it rains, once the pool has been filled in. With both methods of removal, the space is filled in with dirt & rocks using extreme care as to avoid “settling” issues.
The final phase involves debris removal, removing all machinery, and cleaning up. Debris is transferred to a facility where much of it gets recycled. And finally, homeowners interested in grass seed for this area can request that the Remove A Pool team plants grass seed following the fill-in of the area. There is an extra charge for this service.
To learn more about removing a pool in Chino California or to get started by requesting your FREE estimate, contact us today!