Learn About What to Expect When Removing a Pool in Burke Virginia
If you’re thinking about removing a pool in Burke Virginia but would like to learn more, then you’ve come to the right place. There’s nothing to it when you seek out the services of Burke Virginia pool demolition performed by the experts of Remove A Pool.
From beginning to end, the entire process is completed with caution, expertise, care, and professionalism. Getting started is simple and involves your request of an estimate.
All estimates are performed completely complementary – free of charge. Requests can be made online or over the telephone. As soon as we have your request, we can get started with plans for removal.
Before Demolition Begins
Before we can get started, we’ll perform your free estimate and let you know an estimation of what it should cost to remove the old pool in your backyard. We let you know your options and set up a date to get started. We also take quick action in obtaining the necessary permit we’ll need to break ground.
If the pool sitting on your property still has any water inside of it, this water will need to be removed. We’ll drain the existing water professionally with special equipment. This step is hassle-free so have no worries.
Demolition Options for Property Owners
You do have a couple of options when interested in demolition services. Your options include partial pool demolition or complete pool demolition. As you can probably imagine, a partial pool demolition costs less than a complete demolition. Both processes are labor extensive but the partial removal requires less time and less debris removal.
With an abandonment pool demolition, using our special machinery, we’ll professionally and expertly punch holes into the remaining half of the pool’s bottom. These holes will help the area drain in the future once it has been filled in with dirt and rocks.
After Demolition – Cleaning-Up for Property Owners
Your probably wondering what we do with all of the debris and if you enjoy “going green” as much as you can in life you’ll be excited to learn that the debris gets recycled. All of the pool debris is transferred to a facility where it is expected to be recycled for re-use in the future.
This is our way of “going green,” too. Once we’ve cleaned-up your property, we offer an additional service, which does have an additional charge as well. Upon request, we are happy to help property owners interested in the planting of grass seeds.
To find out more about removing a pool in Burke Virginia, or to simply request your FREE estimate, contact Remove A Pool today!