Purcellville Virginia Pool Demolition
Before removing a pool in Purcellville Virginia, most property owners want to know what they can expect from beginning to end. It’s human nature to want more information before delving into the unknown.
The best way to get more information about Purcellville Virginia pool demolition is to request an estimate, but we’ll share a little bit of what you can expect right here. The process starts with an informative and personal free estimate appointment and ends with clean-up and debris removal.
Free Estimates
Your Purcellville Virginia pool demolition estimate is free with Remove A Pool. To schedule your free estimate, give us a call or make your request online. After a careful inspection of the pool and property, you’ll receive a quote for removal.
We’ll let you know how much it’ll cost to remove the pool with the abandonment method and with the exhumation method. Then you can make an informative choice that works for your property and for your budget.
Abandonment versus Exhumation
With the abandonment method, we’ll remove half of the pool, whereas with the exhumation method we’ll remove all of it. If price is a concern for you, then you may wish to opt for the partial removal. This method is more affordable for anyone with budget constraints. When removing half of the pool, we fill in the other half, covering it up with dirt and rocks.
But before we do that, we use our equipment to machine punch holes throughout the pool. These holes will help with drainage in the future. Both Purcellville Virginia pool demolition methods end the same with the careful filling in of the space with dirt and rocks. Upon completion of our services, we remove all of the debris from the property and attempt to recycle whenever possible.
Grass Seed
We do plant grass seed for anyone interested in freshening up the space with new grass. This is perfect for homeowners with no time to do it themselves. There is a separate fee for this service and we only perform it when it’s requested.
To learn more about removing a pool in Purcellville Virginia, contact us today for a FREE estimate!